How to Help Promote Leading Ladies (grass roots will get us there!)

There is nothing like grassroots, word-of-mouth promotion to catapult an indie film into success (just look at the success of My Big Fat Greek Wedding: the over-one hundred-million-dollar-grossing indie film’s success is attributed largely to people simply telling their friends about the film!).  We’d love to see even just a fraction of that success, and that means we need all the help we can get from fans, friends, and family to help get the word out about Leading Ladies!

Leading Ladies is an award-winning, funny, well-acted, well-written, family-friendly, independently funded and shot dance/musical about love and family with awesome music, beautiful sets and locations, and incredible dancing… not to mention stars from So You Think You Can Dance.  This means it should be easy to recommend to your friends!

Telling your friends and family about Leading Ladies and leaving reviews and full-star ratings for the film around the internet will make a HUGE difference in getting the film out into the world.

Below are some resources to help spread the news about Leading Ladies and get our message of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE via DANCE and MUSIC out into the world!

(PLEASE give "Leading Ladies" a full-star rating and leave a nice review!)

(the more people who have the film in their queue, the more DVD copies Netflix will buy!)





Purchase the DVD:



Leading Ladies is a dance/musical/dramedy (in the vein of Dirty Dancing and Little Miss Sunshine) that weaves the tale of an overbearing mother and her two daughters through the vehicle of ballroom dance. The film stars Benji Schwimmer, season two winner of So You Think You Can Dance, as well as long-time SYTYCD choreographer and renowned Latin Ballroom World Champion Melanie LaPatin. The film’s “grocery store musical” scene also stars several SYTYCD finalists including Kherington Payne, Courtney Galiano, Katee Shean, Sara VonGillern, etc., and features music by Ben Folds’ producer John Mark Painter.  The soundtrack has been garnering rave reviews with songs from Phoenix, Andrew Bird, The Old Ceremony, Alva Leigh, Malena Muyala, Earwig, The Randys, Havilah Rand, Danny Leisure and The Suites, and many, many more!

Leading Ladies was shot by veteran cinematographer Peter Biagi who worked with Robert Altman on The Company and A Prairie Home Companion and is credited as cinematographer/DP on over 40 feature films. Biagi was also the cinematographer for the first season of HBO’s Project Greenlight.

The film was shot on the RED One camera (the same camera used for films like Pirates of the Caribbean, The Social Network, The Hobbit, District 9, Winter’s Bone, etc.) at 4K and projects in “scope” aspect ratio (1:2.39).  Run time for the entire film (including credits) is 102 minutes.

Here is the VARIETY review of Leading Ladies


In recent months, Leading Ladies took "Best Narrative Feature (Audience Choice)" at the San Francisco United Film Festival.  The week prior we screened to nearly 900 people in the historic Castro Theater at Frameline International Film FestivalLeading Ladies also took "Best Picture" at the Palm Beach Women’s International Film Festival and the film screened at Cannes Independent Film Festival and the Marches du Film at Cannes International Film Festival, as well as many other festivals around the world.

Leading Ladies premiered in 2010 with an early edit at the Sonoma International Film Festival where it sold out it’s 250+ seat screening and won a juried Showcase Award. Since then Leading Ladies has sold out shows at the Palm Springs International Film Festival (Gala Event, 800 seats over two shows), Starz Denver Film Festival (three sold out shows of 250+), Outfest in L.A. (opening weekend, sold out the 600 seat Directors’ Guild of America Theater), NewFest in NYC (sold out two shows of 250+ seats, plus an additional “Best of Newfest” screening), Alexandria Film Festival in Washington, D.C. (sold out 600+ seats) and many more!  Leading Ladies has been chosen to screen at more than 60 festivals around the world in cities such as Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Cannes, Mexico, Puerto Rico,  San Diego, Chicago, Toronto, Miami, Washington D.C., Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Seattle, Atlanta, Austin, Tampa, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Palm Springs, Philadelphia, Sonoma, Fresno, Palm Beach, Prague, Brno, Helsinki, Hannover, Bremen, Cologne, Florence, Turin, Bologna, Brussels, Brisbane, Auckland, Wellington, and many more!  A complete listing of festival screenings can be found on the website.

Leading Ladies is available in N. America on DVD/VOD through Wolfe Releasing (street date: Sept. 13, 2011).  Theatrical presentation rights have been retained by Leading Ladies, LLC, and the film is currently showing at Independent and Art House Theaters across the US.  Please suggest Leading Ladies to your local independent theater and have them contact the producers via the film’s web site to arrange screenings!

Click here to order the film:

Click here to add Leading Ladies to your Netflix queue:

The most recent and up-to-date news and events are posted on the Facebook page at (you don’t have to have a Facebook account to see the page and information)

The link for the Official Website is  Most of the information from the film can be found here, though you might have to dig around a bit.  There are also "news & updates" on the Official Blog at:

All of our showings across the world are listed on the Official Website festival page, and the four shows closest to today’s date are always on the web site’s front page.

Publicity information including hi-rez stills (for print) from the film, actor and director bios and headshots, press kit, trailer, posters, etc. are all available on the Leading Ladies web site publicity page.


Thanks so much for your support!  Let Love Lead!!!

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